Tuesday, 30 September 2014

How to settle in at university

Hey guys!

I'm currently in my third week of university and I have enjoyed every single minute of it. The first two weeks were pretty much focused on socializing and drinking, a LOT of drinking. In my third week I now have my timetable all the way until Christmas, and the work has already come rolling in. I must admit, it's quite hard trying to snap out of 'Freshers week'. I'm still used to sleeping in all day and going out all night, not these early nights, 9am lectures and seminars.

Anyway, in order to get me back into a routine, there have been a few things I've done that have helped a significant amount, and thought I'd share them with you (just in case there's anyone out there struggling!)

1) Organisation

Organisation is the key to getting back into a routine. I found that knowing my timetable, where all my lectures, seminars and workshops are, budgeting myself and having a shopping list weekly took a lot of pressure off my mind.

2) Expect ups and downs

If this is your first time at university then you may expect it to be full of drinking, partying and sleeping, but don't be fooled. Yes, you will experience that, but moving to university isn't just about that life. It involves growing up, becoming independent and finding YOU.

Being away from friends and family can make you feel lonely at some points, but there will always be help for you. Other students will most likely be feeling the same way, so this is the perfect time to socialize and make friends.

3) Look after your body 

Exercise, good sleep and healthy food are vital when it comes to university. Not only will it benefit you physically, they will make you feel a lot better than just lounging around in your pj's on your day off, eating junk food and scrolling through every social media site you have. 

If you struggle to cook, there will bound to be someone in your flat who could help you out, or even cook together, You're best off avoiding snacking all together, because you wont get the vitamins you need, and you can pick up colds and flus more easily.

4) Don't do anything you're not comfortable with doing

Whether it be to do with going out every night, drinking, smoking, drugs, sex etc, you do NOT have to do it if you don't feel comfortable. There are people available at your university to talk to if you are having any kinds of trouble. 

5) Cup of tea before bed

There's nothing that a cuppa tea wont sort! If I find myself struggling to sleep and I know I have to be awake early the next morning for a lecture, I always make myself a cup of tea. I don't know what it is, but it always makes me feel drowsy and ready for bed. Try it!

6) Take every opportunity you get

Whilst studying at university, you will come across all different types of opportunities, whether it's to do with your career, friendship, leisure or sport. This is also a great way of making friends, so get in there!

Hope this helped guys! x

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