Starting university is a big change. For those of you who live at university, sometimes it can feel like you're on your own and the people that you want are a million miles away. It's perfectly fine to feel home sick. Everyone does at some point. Don't worry though, with a little motivation you can get back to enjoying the experience of independency and studying at university.
One of the best things you could do would be to get out and about, and not stay in your room. Staying in your room on your own will more than likely worsen the problem and make you feel even more lonely. University is amazing when it comes to social activities and opportunities to meet new people, so don't take it for granted! You could join a society or find a job. The main thing is to keep yourself busy so you don't have to even think about home.
Also, if you feel down and that you miss home, there’s no harm in contacting them. It can be an instant pick up talking to someone from back home when you’re not feeling your best. There are plenty of ways to contact them; phoning, using Skype, texting or even sending letters. Share your problems with people who can help and you will automatically feel better and that a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.
Staying healthy is a key factor in feeling better. It’s so easy to fall into a vicious cycle of staying in your room and eating comfort food as it’s a way to make you feel better but only for a short period of time. By keeping a healthy body you can improve your concentration levels which will help you out in your studies, and it can also make you feel a lot more confident. Remember the 3 rules; eat well, drink water and get plenty of sleep.
Finally, if you don’t want to talk to friends and family (even though I would strongly advise it), your university will have student support services available. Talking to people who are experienced in this kind of situation could help you and they will be able to offer suggestions that will get you feeling better and more involved in student life.
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