Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Me time

At university things can feel overwhelming and stressful. It’s a completely new environment, lots of different things are happening and meeting new people, it’s hectic. In your first few months of being there things can seem like they never stop, there’s always something happening and it can get a little too much, so always remember to take time out for yourself. Here are some things you can do to relax yourself when things get a bit too hectic for yourself!

  • Have a movie night - As a first year there seems to be a pressure for constantly going out and partying (which can take it’s toll!). Try and have a quiet night in with either yourself flatmates watching films. It’s a nice way to relax and also not miss out on the social side of things.

  • Early nights - These are rare as a student. Most are either up until stupid o'clock partying or doing an all nighter to finish those forgotten about assignments. If you’re feeling a bit down and groggy a good nights sleep will do you wonders. You can wake up the next day feeling refreshed and laugh at all your hungover flat mates!

  • Visit home - Sometimes people just need home comforts, and when things are stressful going home usually makes people feel a lot better and that they can relax without any responsibilities for a few days. Take your washing home, catch up with family and friends and sleep in your own bed for the weekend, it will make you feel amazing.

  • Pamper night - As a student you can sometimes feel like you’re constantly doing things so you never have time to treat yourself. Try and take a night out so you can order your favourite takeaway, have a nice shower, put on a face mask, paint your nails and just make time for yourself for a change. You wont believe how better you’ll feel once you’ve taken care of yourself.

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