Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Liebster Award

Thank you so much for Darling for nominating me for the Liebster award! The Liebster award is a way to discover new blogs, and this is how it works:
  • if you get nominated you must acknowledge the blogger who nominates you
  • write 11 random facts about yourself
  • answer the 11 questions that the blogger who nominated you asked
  • then YOU nominate 11 people who have less than 200 followers and create 11 questions for them to answer
  • You must let the 11 nominees know that you are nominating them.

So lets get things started!

11 random facts

  1. I am 5'9 (quite tall for a girl)
  2. The big bang theory & 2 broke girls are my favorite programs
  3. I talk to my dog like a baby
  4. I am very career driven
  5. I have never had a serious relationship
  6. I will not leave the house without doing my eye make-up
  7. I am petrified of wasps and bees
  8. I prefer the winter to the summer
  9. I spend a few hours each night just reading through people's blogs and youtube channels
  10. I laugh at my own jokes a bit too much
  11. I am very photogenic, which isn't a good thing, because I don't live up to those expectations in person!

Now for Darling's questions

What was your inspiration for starting your blog? 
I have always read blogs from people such as Zoella, Beautycrush etc, and wanted to start one myself, but never new where to begin. I recently had a university interview and one of their top tips was to have a blog. So here I am!

Describe yourself in three words.
Caring, funny, down to earth (I know that was 3 words in itself, but sh)

What is in your purse?
I'm assuming you mean bag? I have my purse, keys, notepad, chewing gum, hand cream, perfume, my hard drive for college, lip balm, lip gloss, comb, dry shampoo and receipts!

Lipstick or Lip gloss?


What color are your nails at the moment?

Your best piece of advice you would like to share. 
Just go for it. People are going to judge you whatever you do, so do whatever pleases you.

What is your favorite cereal?

Cats or dogs? 

Who is your favorite fictional character?
Simba - Lion King

Where would your dream vacation be?
New York - I love big cities, so it would be a dream to stay there!

If you had three wishes what would they be? 
Get good grades at college and uni, don't get so nervous with day to day things and find the person that I love.

Now for my 11 nominees!
  1. Zeena
  2. Sarah
  3. Sirine
  4. Georgie
  5. Amelia
  6. Amy
  7. Katie
  8. Jordan
  9. Petrina
  10. Perla
  11. Joanne

My questions:
  1.  How do you spend your spare time?
  2. Favorite brand of make-up?
  3. Mac or Windows?
  4. Name 3 people on blogspot who you look up to
  5. Favorite film
  6. Best 3 apps on your phone
  7. Curly hair or straight?
  8. Hair or make-up as a necessity?
  9. Whats your aspiration in life?
  10. Describe yourself in a sentence
  11. Heels or flats?



  1. Thank You Corin and Good Luck.x

  2. thanks for my nomination! id love it if youd comment back on my most recent blog post! x

  3. Your so lucky you're really tall! At 5'9 you can model at some really nice agencies because Candice Swanepoel is the same height as you :)
    Sierra Calah ♥ Berry Stylish  

  4. We love posts like these and really enjoyed reading your responses! We've always been summer babies and would love to vacay in LA one day!

